Background On Finger Pulse Oximeter Units And Which Pulse Oximeters For Sale Are The Best

By Ally Park

A Pulse oximeter is a instrument with the purpose of measuring oxygenation of blood by measuring the oxygen percentage in haemoglobin. It is usually attached to the lobe of the ear or fingertip and records the flow of blood past a probe in the unit. Some units make a sound or graph which coincides with the pulse beat.

650nm & 805nm are the wavelengths of light usually utilized in an oximeter's probe to record absorption and saturation of the haemoglobin in a patient's blood. Oxygenation in the blood is measured by this saturation level measured. Slow blood flow may introduce problems in normal pulse oximeter functions due to the units mechanism of measuring blood flow.

Several situations may cause a pulse oximeter to become inaccurate. Vasoconstriction and Venous congestion have been known to negatively affect readings. Some more less scientific causes of bad readings are due to bright overhead lights and nail varnish. Another cause of mis-readings can come in the form of there being carbo-xyhamoglobin (methaemglobin) in the blood being metered; because a pulse oximeter is unable to distinguish between types of haemoglobin.

Pulse oximeters are used in monitoring oxygenation and pulse rates when a patient is under anaesthesia. Intensive care applications for oximeters are during mechanical ventilation; detecting problems with oxygenation before they are noticed clinically. Also, oximetry is used to see if a patient's oxygen therapy is adequate. In procedures when a patient is sedated, using a pulse oximeter can alert medical staff of situtations such as hypoxia.

Again, monitoring oxygenation is the main purpose of a pulse oximeter. These devices, however, are not able to detect metabolism of oxygen. Oxygen metabolism measuring needs critical data regarding carbon dioxide levels.

Operating aircraft in a non-pressurized cabin is a perfect example of an alternative use of a portable pulse oximeter that can be used to measure the amount of supplemental oxygen a pilot may need at varying altitudes. For extreme climbers and athletes, a decrease in oxygen in the blood may occur in the process of scaling a mountain or performing an exercise or sport at a high exertion level. In these cases, a portable pulse oximeter can be useful to ensure that oxygen levels in the blood are at optimal levels for continued performance without endangering the individual.

Other applications for pulse oximeters have been developed. A major development is the measuring of blood volume loss with pulse oximeter readings. The algorithm created attributes a correlation between oxygenation in blood haemoglobin and blood volume measurements.

In home use of pulse oximeters have become popular and units can be found for sale at affordable prices. There are many companies like Nonin, Nellcor, and Checkmate that offer pulse oximeters for sale to the general public in the form of a portable oximeter, finger pulse oximeter, or a digital pulse oximeter.

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