Alcoholism Is A Disease

By Kavita Desai

Is alcoholism an incurable disease or is it something that can be overcome? For millions of people this has been a topic that has been debated for years. Many people have been told that their alcoholism is something that they will always have and that by putting their faith in a higher power that they will be their only chance of recovery. Though even with this apathetic form of therapy, they are still told that relapse is part of recovery and that they will probably have slip ups on their way.

To some extent it reduced the stigma experienced by sufferers and has opened the door to treatment rather than punishment. It is the mainstay of the belief system of AA and NA groups who have been responsible for helping many to recover from a hopeless state. However there are many critics of the disease model, both on the grounds that there is little evidence to support it and that it may in fact be detrimental to recovery.One of the great controversies in respect of treatment of alcohol problems is the debate of whether alcoholism is a disease. There is little doubt that regarding alcoholism as a disease, rather than as a moral weakness, has brought benefits to alcoholics/addicts.

It suggests a damaged person somebody who is different from the rest of society, who has a different psychological or genetic makeup and therefore can't drink. It is very difficult for most people to admit that they are different in any way from everyone else, it is even more difficult if that difference carries with it a sense of shame. Consider how difficult it is admit being different, if that means having to give up something that most people enjoy without any problem.There are many definitions of what constitutes and what causes alcoholism. This makes it more difficult for the drinker to admit a problem and also makes it easier to argue that they don't have a problem. For most people, even today, the word alcoholic still carries a lot of shame.

Alcoholism in a person can be caused because of several factors. One hypothesis is that some people have genetic predispositions which cause them to get intoxicated easier or more intensely or have fewer side effects or hangover symptoms than others. This causes them to drink more indiscriminately or carelessly than many others. Also, many people become alcoholic due to emotional reasons; they do not like how they feel when not intoxicated, so they drink excessively, just to feel alright. Some people, when experiencing loneliness, anxiety or depression turn to alcohol in order to feel more comfortable. This is because alcohol can have anxiety-inhibiting effects, if taken in sufficient amounts.

No matter how much one may despise the term and the addiction, psychiatrists describe an alcoholic as one who exhibits any or all of these qualities: an irresistible thirst for alcohol, total loss of control once he or she starts drinking, and a certain tendency of relapse into the addiction after a session of rehabilitation.Alcohol is a word that appears so much in our daily lives and culture that it is difficult for a non-alcoholic to imagine a life of alcohol addiction.

The increasing consumption of alcohol is a real problem with large economic and social impact. These range from diseases of body of the drinker to family breakdowns and changes in system productivity.Alcoholism addiction is more widely spread in today's society in addition to smoking, either by the accessibility, cost or lack of prohibitions on the sale of alcoholic beverages.

It is often difficult to detect if a person is an alcoholic because they may have been drinking and yet doing all the work and activities that any normal person does. They are called functional alcoholics as they are very unaware of their problem, having always been able to perform all the day-to-day activities. Seeking help from a trained professional is the wisest thing that you could do. To overcome this destructive disease, there are support groups, medical and alternative therapies available. With will, determination and the willingness to deal with the problems behind the addiction, you can come out of it.

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Depression Diagnosis

By Jonathan Stevens

Depression is a disorder that manifests itself through symptoms like loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. In a severe case of depression, the individual suffering from depression may resort to committing suicide.

There are two kinds of this illness: Major depression, or dysthymia which affects mood; and Manic depression or bipolar illness, when feeling low and depressed alternates with recklessness.

The first thing you should do if you suspect that you may be depressed is visit your family doctor for a thorough checkup. It is preferable to visit your family doctor as he will be aware of your previous medical conditions and medical history. If you are unable to or maybe embarrassed to visit your family doctor, any other general physician will serve the same purpose. There should never be any embarrassment or apprehension when coping with depression.

An individual should be absolutely sure by before taking any kind of medication and self medicating since some other medical conditions can cause depression symptoms, such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies, female hormonal changes and thyroid conditions.

The doctor you visit, family doctor or any other physician, will begin the diagnostic process by asking you a series of questions. Questions that you may be asked include:

What are the signs you've been experiencing?

Since when have you experienced these symptoms?

How severe are your symptoms?

Have you felt like this before?

Have you been treated for this illness before?

If so, what medication were you given and which worked best in your opinion?

Do any of your relatives have depression?

If so, were your relatives treated for depression and which treatments worked best?

Do you use drugs or drink alcohol?

Have you thought about death or suicide?

There is no laboratory test that can diagnose depression. Depression is diagnosed based on the person's reported symptoms, signs that your doctor observes during the questioning process, your medical history and your family's medical history. Depression occurs in persons of all genders, ages, and backgrounds.

It is very important that the family be supportive through this difficult time. The family needs to extend their love and affection and most importantly their support towards the person suffering from depression.

Some Facts :

Depression is common, affecting about 121 million people worldwide.

Depression is amongst the top causes of disability worldwide.

Depression can be reliably diagnosed and treated in primary stages.

Fewer than 25 % of those suffering from depression have access to treatment.

In conclusion, depression like most major illnesses can be cured, if it is detected in time and is treated. Family plays an vital role in the treatment.

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The Mormon Cult - Are They A Religion?

By Alfred Ras

The Mormon base part of their doctrine on the fact that they feel that Christ became a man and therefore that Mormons should strive to be more Christlike and therefore becoming Gods. They base a lot of their doctrine in this regard for this particular area from the book of Romans often the Holy Bible and this is their take or their version of what they feel that this book is in reference to or at least parts of it.

Actually when you are trying to determine what the Romans are saying in the defense of Christianity it in itself comes down to where the explanation becomes quite muddled. They believe that Christ became like man, and his mortal virtues came from his earthly mother Mary and that she was the one that gave him the power to die and to suffer and to experience the temptation as we do. The Mormons will often refer to the power that Christ will give individuals to perform miracles referring to Moses and Paul for example.

There are many scriptures that the Mormons will relate to from the King James version but again it must be remembered that they only believe in portions of the Holy Bible as they feel that it has become corrupt. This is corruption that has come from the lack of material that they feel has been missed during the translation of the word. They will often refer to Hebrews 2 as a favorite book as well that this book deals with the place that man's position is and talks about sanctification. They will also take various verses from other sections of the Bible mostly from the New Testament.

Why did President Hinckley say Mormons don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible?

The Mormons feel that the words of President Hinckley are really attacked by the Christians who are anti-Mormon. This is based on Hinckley indicating that the Mormons don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible. This was purportedly taken from an interview with Larry King. The crux of this interview was based on the fact that Hinckley was to have indicated that although the Mormons believe in Christ that that they don't believe in the traditional Christ of the Bible. It must be remembered that the Mormons are of the opinion that the Bible has been corrupted because of much missing and contorted information.

The Mormons stand staunchly on the belief Christ of the Bible but do not believe in the Trinity as the way traditional Christians look at both of these. Hinckleys remarks are based on the vision that Joseph Smith had and based this entire religion on.

Isn't your emphasis on works a departure from historic Christianity?

It would seem that the dissension between the believers of the basic Christianity and the Mormon church is quite vast. It is often a play on words and the Mormons fully believe that they are following the true commandments. The Mormon make reference to Christians thinking that they are following historic traditional Christianity but the Mormons believe that this is more of a modern Christianity that took place around the 16th century.

The Mormons often make reference to other books besides the New Testament that is based on Christianity as well and they believe that the Christian followings are very close to the doctrine that the Mormons following now. They believe that the writings that they are referring to outside of the holy Bible were Christian writings and that they definitely go against what Christianity is believed to be today. They make reference to the Apostolic Fathers quite often quoting passages from this book referring to the different letters written within the Bible. Again what the problem comes down to is that it is a part quotation of the King James version and it would appear that the Mormons will take some section of the Bible that fit their needs but will not look at the Bible in its entirety as being the word of God.

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The New Aromatherapy: Essential Oils as Mainstream Medicine

By Melissa Stevens

Therapeutic use of essential oils in the alternative health and wellness arena is on the rise; more and more people are venturing beyond mainstream 'aroma' therapy and finding the value in true therapeutic grade Aromatherapy products. Education regarding the efficacy of essential oils in treating certain illness has been hard to come by in the US, a symptom of much of the natural health industry. There is in fact, legislation floating around Congress (which has already been enacted in Europe) to limit your access to natural medicines, which may include essential oils. Why? Because the pharmaceutical companies in the highest-profit industry on earth, want your business. This is one reason Aromatherapy has not gotten beyond the 'aroma' part, and why essential oils have yet to take their proper place in your holistic medical care.

Essential oils offer inexpensive, effective treatments for many ailments, free from side-effects of over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Whether the very limited and overtly skeptical presentation of Aromatherapy in the mainstream media is driven by the big money involved with institutional medicine remains to be clarified. In the meantime, YOU have the ways and means to include essential oils in your own natural medicine program. There are a great many resources available to the lay-practitioner to determine which oils and how they can best be applied for the improvement of your own health and wellness. Let's have a look at what the science of Aromatherapy is really about...

The term Aromatherapy was coined by a French scientist after accidentally discovering the remarkable healing effects of Lavender oil on burns sustained in the lab. He had thrust his burning hands into a vat of Lavender oil, finding the wounds to heal extremely quickly. Further investigation lead to his book 'Aromatherapie', and the modern medical use of essential oils began. Aromatherapy refers simply to the branch of medicine utilizing volatile aromatic compounds naturally distilled from plants. Essential oils can be as effective as any other natural remedy when employed with proper knowledge and skill. In fact, many pharmaceutical drugs are plant extracts manipulated to give the inventor patent protection on their formulation. But essential oils cannot be patented - ANYone with the right tools and know-how can produce them. At the same time, there is no major lobbying effort underway to educate the public about their medicinal properties - likely the reason America has not gone beyond 'aroma' to 'therapy' with essential oils.

The education seems inevitable, however. As more folks get fed up with the costs and red tape of our Allopathic medical system, they are paying more attention to reports on the efficacy of natural remedies. The use of essential oils has been shown as, if not more, than any other available medicine in certain instances. For Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a painful and debilitating condition, Peppermint essential oil taken during and after bouts of the disease has profound effects on pain, duration, and recurrence of the illness - more so than the most commonly used modern medical treatment. Patients using Peppermint oil felt better than those using conventional treatments, in part because the natural antibiotic effect leaves much needed intestinal flora in balance. It is this balance that is inherent in knowledgeably practiced natural medicine; a facet which occurs with essential oils and many other so-called alternative therapies.

Another well documented treatment using essential oils is the use of Melissa essential oil on Herpes Simplex viral legions. The legions are outbreaks of the virus during times of undue stress; the virus is typically under control of the immune system and remains dormant in nerve endings of the skin - the disease is considered 'incurable' by conventional medicine. A great many university studies have evaluated Melissa (and other essential oils containing similar molecular components) and it's efficacy in treating Herpes - and the results have been astounding. A majority of study participants have less pain, along with shorter and less-frequent outbreaks. One professor claims that the disease has gone into complete remission in some study participants with regular use of Melissa oil; no more outbreaks at all! Further, Melissa is very well tolerated, has no known toxic effects, and is readily available. This is true aroma-'therapy' taking it's place in the world of natural health, wellness and fitness.

On the 'soft side' of essential oil use, that of inhalation or massage-based 'aroma' therapy, it is important first to note that MANY health professionals consider stress to be the number one cause of all disease. The body, lead by the mind, becomes overburdened in a variety of ways which lead to breakdown of particular systems (immune, circulatory, etc). Time and time again, Lavender and other essential oils have been reported by patients, even in controlled studies, to reduce stress levels. As the understanding of the mind-body connection to health and well-being grows, the importance of stress reduction techniques in natural health programs is coming to the forefront. Inhalation of essential oils is but one possible technique, but a powerful one at that. Upon comparison to Valium - the most ubiquitous of anti-stress agents in the Western world, a headline in the Journal of Essential Oil Research proclaimed "Lavender beats benzodiazepines" for stress reduction. This is one commonly-used anti-stress oil; there are many, many others - some people don't like Lavender, but the may like Neroli, Bergamot, Sweet Orange, or one of hundreds of other oils that may reduce stress and have 'downstream' effects of improved health and wellbeing.

Aromatherapy is certainly not a cure all, but like any medical specialty, should be used when appropriate by knowledgeable patients and practitioners. How do you learn to use Aromatherapy most effectively for yourself? Education is the way! There are many wonderful, well-written books on the subject of medicinal usage of essential oils; of particular note are those by Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt: Advanced Aromatherapy and Medical Aromatherapy; also Jane Buckle's Clinical Aromatherapy, and any publication by Robert Tisserand. These books can open a whole new world of alternative health and wellness, giving you more options to control your health care decisions than ever before. If in need, find a qualified, degreed practitioner - and remember, always consult a medical professional for any serious injury or illness. In some cases, aromatherapy can be used to as an adjunct to other treatments - discuss this with your doctor. Finally, there's little harm in simply getting started with essential oils - learn, buy yourself some nice oils, and have fun!

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Christian Funeral Service - Importance And Rituals

By Gemma Brown

For Christians, a funeral service marks the start of the journey of the soul to the eternal life after death. Funeral services and ceremonies are uplifting, because of the positive belief that the deceased has finally found a permanent home in God's abode.

Christians view death as a happy exit from the world of pain and a passage into the world of permanent bliss. That the deceased is enjoying heavenly bliss and is with the Lord Himself is a comforting thought that absorbs the severity of the shock that death brings to the family. The Christian funeral service is conducted accordingly with the same belief.

Generally, a priest is the main officiator at a Christian funeral service. The funeral service usually takes place at the church which the deceased visited regularly. Though the service does not have a casket generally, but when it is being held inside a funeral home, casket is normally present. A traditional Christian funeral ceremony does not involve public viewing of the deceased at the time of ceremony.

The proceedings in such a funeral service are similar to a memorial, in which religious hymns and prayers are sung and texts from the Bible are read out. Then the priest gives a message and the people follow with a mass prayer.

Then the family and relatives share their sorrows with the group, and the attendees express their feelings and respect for the dead person and share their thoughts on how the deceased affected their lives and left an everlasting memory. Nowadays, people also do a slide show containing snapshots from the life of the deceased or play a video recording taken from his or her lifetime.

The final phase in the ceremony is that of a brief reception that is held inside the church itself and some refreshments are served. A graveside service is generally not included, though some Christian communities opt for that too.

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Your Subconscious Mind Power Is The Universe

By Ronald Bigley

If you've ever seen the film Field of Dreams (or even if you haven't), you've heard the phrase 'if you build it, they will come'. Your subconscious mind power is what you want to build " just think and what will come is anything you can envision.

You already have all of the power you need to change everything about your life for the better " it's inside of you; in your subconscious mind. In fact, your mind is much more powerful than you've probably ever imagined. It can heal you, help you to transcend the physical world and to make yourself feel the heights of elation or the depths of despair. If you could learn to control your subconscious mind power, you can do things you've only imagined.

You're probably skeptical about this idea, but bear with me a moment. One example which may help you to see the possibilities comes from the world of clinical trials: the placebo effect. The control group in a test are given a placebo and the experimental group are given the medication being tested, though neither group knows whether or not it is actually receiving the drug.

In many trials, you'll see both the experimental groups and the control groups claiming to have pretty much the same results. Both groups think that they're receiving the medication and their subconscious mind power goes to work, making them actually experience the effects which they believed would occur.

For this reason, some physicians would rather not tell patients about the side effects of a given drug when prescribing it for the first time. Since they know that the power of suggestion can cause their patients to experience these effects, they may omit these details to prevent this from happening.

You can access your subconscious mind power by using this power of suggestion. The placebo effect can be put to work to make positive changes in your life. When you can control the suggestions which are fed to your subconscious, your mind power becomes truly your own.

Using visualization techniques is one of the best ways of unlocking the potential of your subconscious mind power. It's easy to do as well. All you need to do is to form a picture of your goal in your mind.

Something else which works for many whether on its own or along with visualization techniques is to find a picture of their goal " or better still, a picture of themselves with their objective. This image helps you to focus your subconscious mind power on achieving your objectives. Say that you want a certain car. Have a picture taken of yourself with this car and put it up somewhere that you'll see it every day. Every time you see your goal, it sends a message to your subconscious to put your mental energy into making it a reality.

While some people have known that these techniques work for some time now, it is only in the last few years that we've come to see exactly how these methods may work.

There is an idea which comes from quantum physics that says that matter isn't set into a particular state unless or until there is an observer there to see it. It is already known that all matter is at its most basic essence pure energy " and it seems that our subconscious mind power may be able to influence matter.

If this is true, it's our minds which create matter, not the other way round. If the entire universe is actually a creation of our own subconscious, then subconscious mind power can be used to influence the world around us.

There have always been religions which have held the belief that our own minds create the world and the universe. Now, science has started to approach this idea from its own standpoint. No matter what (if any) religious beliefs you may hold, you're probably a believer in the laws of physics.

If you were able to harness your own subconscious mind power to change reality to your own ends, you'd certainly want to " and you can, once you learn to communicate with your subconscious. Start by using visualization techniques and affirmations to focus your mind on your life goals. Start small; as you develop your subconscious mind power, you'll be able to achieve ever greater things in your life.

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Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

By Aneron Kepasil

A hemorrhoid is simply an enlarged vein around or inside of the anal sphincter. The affected vein is typically swollen and inflamed. An important fact about hemorrhoids is that the blood vessels are weakened and therefore have poor circulation. They typically need to be emptied of some of the blood. Anything that places too much pressure on the veins in and around the anal sphincter can cause hemorrhoids. This includes constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, childbirth, excess weight, and heavy lifting. A myth about hemorrhoids is that it nothing can be done to get rid of them. This is incorrect. The good news about hemorrhoids is that there are natural remedies for curing the problem. Many things can be done about hemorrhoids, including several solutions that utilize natural ingredients.

There are a number of reasons that people get bleeding internal hemorrhoids. In the anal passage the formation of padding is normal, it is when this padding becomes enlarged that the hemorrhoid becomes a health problem. Some of the common causes for this enlargement can be the the extra stain put on the bowel when someone has a chronic problem with being constipated. They are also said to be a natural sign of aging
when the blood vessles in the anal passage are not working as well as they did when the body was young.

Over-the-counter treatment options for hemorrhoids include topical creams, suppositories, stool softeners and fiber. In mild cases, these treatments can be effective in providing temporary relief and allow the hemorrhoids to become less irritated. However, these methods to not address the root cause of hemorrhoids, and the problem is almost certain to reappear soon.

When treatment is required, you should do the following to help minimize the pain and any possible infection of the hemorrhoids. Sit in a hot tub of water for 10 to 20 minutes, also known as a sitz bath. Keep the anal area clean, by using a mild soap. Only dab the area after having a bowel movement. Do not use harsh rubbing of the area. Keep the hemorrhoids and anal area dry. You may use a talcum powder and some tissue to help absorb the moisture.

There are ways that may help prevent hemorrhoids, such as, eating a high fiber diet. When you eat a high fiber diet or bran, or rouhage, it helps to retain more water in your stool, allowing the bowel movement to be softer and easier for you to pass. When you have the urge to have a bowel movement do not prevent it from happening, drink plenty of liquids and exercise to help the bowl movement to be more frequent.

Bleeding internal hemorrhoids can be removed with surgery, your doctor can help you decide if you need to have them taken out by cutting, or laser or even with a cauterizing procedure.
It may be that surgery will not be needed and one of the other treatments will serve just as well. There are chemical treatments avaliable that will shrink the bleeding internal hemorrhoid. There is also a treatment where a rubber band is placed on the base of the hemorrhoid that will cut off the blood supply and shrink the hemorrhoid.

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Naturally Treating a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

By Aneron Kepasil

Painful burning. Strong Odors. Abdominal Pain. When a urinary tract infection (UTI) strikes, it can move rapidly and cause a great deal of discomfort. Each year, millions of women (and some men) are afflicted with this frustrating infection. But, the good news is that these infections are preventable " and easily treatable.

An easy remedy for UTI infections is diet modification. Drinking large amounts of water throughout the day will help to flush out the system, ridding your body of bacteria. You should also avoid sugar and foods containing sugar, as these can encourage bacterial growth. Finally, increasing your consumption of Vitamin C, usually through the use of a supplement, will help to treat UTI infections.

Plenty of rest is key in fighting a UTI. Most of the time infections are the result of our bodies being run-down and compromised from our busy, stressful lives. Something as simple as getting the rest you need can help you body naturally fight off infection.

Urinary tract infections are often treated by antibiotics (which can have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea or allergic reactions) or the home remedies listed above. Home remedies may help decrease the number of bacteria or provide UTI relief, but rarely can completely eliminate the infection itself.

A common natural UTI treatment is to flush the bacteria by drinking lots of water and other non-sugar based liquids. Flushing the bacteria from your urine helps to greatly diminish the painful side effects of a UTI. It is important to avoid sugar based liquids because they tend to encourage bacterial growth. The goal of naturally treating a UTI is to completely stop bacterial growth and remove the bacteria from your urinary tract system.

Today, there is a powerful, all-natural remedy that attacks the UTI from five different angles. Urizol is a powerful dietary supplement that offers women the opportunity to prevent urinary infections from ever arising. Imagine " never suffering again! Effective against E. coli, the cause of most infections, Urizol acts as diuretic to cleanse and soothe your body while boosting your immune system. Taken at the first sign of discomfort, this supplement is scientifically formulated to provide fast relief without the harm of chemical drugs. Why suffer needlessly? Next time a UTI arises, rely on Urizol for safe, natural relief.

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Chakra Balancing - Enhance Your Overall Happiness and Wellbeing

By Jo Taylor-Combes

Modern science goes about eliminating from the minds of various individuals the very existence and significance of the spiritual being that lies within the physical being.

The Hindu thoughts of life are dissimilar, since they encourage the burning flame of spiritual healing along with the advancement of modern science and technology.

Chakra means Wheel of Light in Sanskrit. There are seven primary chakras as well as many secondary chakras. All of these chakras are continually rotating and vibrating inside a healthy body.

Imbalances of any kind within the movement of the chakras can result in a healthy functioning body becoming in an overall state of imbalance. It is essential to a healthy body, mind and spirit that we achieve chakra balancing.

These centers of activity, the chakras receive, join and then express our life force energy. Chakras are the entry points of the aura. They run along the mid-points of the body from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. These seven chakras attract and diffuse energies back and forth into nature, celestial entities, the universe, and other individuals.

What changes Chakra Balancing?

Energy cannot flow harmoniously through the Chakras when one or more of them are blocked. Blockages result in an imbalance along the Chakras. These imbalances then manifest themselves in other areas of our lives.

Many factors such as illness, toxic exposure, stress, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise as well as childhood traumas, emotional injuries, an inability to express emotions, beliefs incongruent with Truth, cultural conditioning, and so on can alter the harmonious functioning of the Chakras.

Chakra Balancing Secret to Happiness and Health

It is an admirable yet unpractical idea that Chakras function harmoniously and naturally. Although, many individuals do try to correct any dysfunctions in order to achieve a finer balance between the chakras. Self-healing is a theory that originates somewhat from chakra balancing.

The condition of our Chakras does influence our thoughts, behaviors, our glandular processes, body shape and any chronic physical ailments. Chakra balancing makes certain that these all boundaries work towards the goal of a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Chakra Balancing Benefits include:

* Recognition of your True Self

* Physical health and energy

* Inner peace and overall happiness

* A loving and compassionate heart

* Being consciously in touch with ones body

* Accelerating development of spiritual growth

* A Sexually content life without the negative influences of lust

* Awareness of ones feelings at the higher celestial level

* Enhancing the ability to attract and express love in ones life

* Immeasurable levels of confidence, but without appearing over confident

* Spiritual healing through higher patterns of awareness, perception and recognition

How can you achieve Chakra Balancing?

When you attempt to achieve chakra balancing, you may choose from an assortment of methods and techniques. You may find some of these methods and techniques to be very beneficial when you are striving to achieve harmony within the proper functioning of the body and chakra system.

* The use of Aromatherapy

* Using Touch Therapy

* Always Having a Positive Outlook on Life

* Actively Enjoying Physical exercise

* Light and Color Therapy

* Crystals and Gemstones Therapy

* Listen To Binaural Sound Frequencies

* Reiki Healing Therapy

* Balancing with the Use Of Hands and Pendulums

* Self Hypnosis and Positive Affirmations

* Meditation and Yoga, including breathing exercises

Being a container of energy, our bodies continually release and dispose of all spent energy through the various organs of our bodies and then stocks up on new supplies of energy.

Chakra balancing ensures that new energy generates and then makes it available for optimal use within all the cells and vital organs of the body, making sure that all have their fair share of this new supply of energy.

While in this most favorable state, happiness, health and inner peace naturally flow. Chakra balancing is simply bringing the Chakras back into their natural state of vibration.

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The Seven Chakra Points Of Energy

By Jai Dahalli

We daily discover newer secrets about the facts that make us a superior race and helped us survive and evolve through extremely competitive and tough environment. Of these numerous unexplored mysteries about our existence there is the theory of the seven chakras or energy points in our bodies that regulate our physical as well as mental self.

Apart from the physical energy that we get from substances that we consume as a part of our routine diet, the human body also requires a good amount of cosmic energy that is a result of the energy exchange between the seven chakra network in our body and the heavenly bodies above us.

On most occasions people fail to understand the kind of effect the chakras in their body have on the attitude they wear as well as the kind of life they lead. A very popular theory states that a person with positive thoughts ends up achieving better results as compared to a person with a negative frame of mind. The reason is simple as positivity in thoughts is the result of the abundant positive energy in the chakra governing the thoughts.

Each circle of energy is an active participant in the process of monitoring and enhancing a body part or its activities, the effect that these chakras have on different body parts and attitude is different, hence most chakras independently affect their respective body organs.

The various centres of energy which regulate various activities we perform can be understood better in the following way.

The chakra that is placed at the bottom is the root chakra which helps regulating the actual personality and the character of the person. When positive the chakra helps the individual to enhance his/her ability to stand strong against the odds. Root chakra is said to control the large intestine, rectum as well as other digestive organs below the stomach.

The second chakra is the genital chakra, it not only helps you relieve from worldly pleasures when it is in a positive state but also carries a favourable impact on your brain and hence broadens your vision and mind. However this chakra in the negative stage can make you feel cruel and ignorant. It is in control of the urinary and the genital organs and functions.

The third chakra that helps regulate the functions and the activities of the stomach and other important organs of digestion, is referred to as the umbilical chakra. It helps to maintain a good balance of mind so as to help in decision making. On the negative side it has an impact on the thoughts leading to the arousing of feelings that result from an unstable mind.

The fourth chakra is heart chakra, an individuals aspirations, desires, likes , love etc are controlled by this chakra. On a positive side it imparts love and harmony whereas when the chakra is filled with negative energy it makes the person rude and stubborn. The chakra governs the cardiac organs of the human body.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, it has an impact on the functions of the vocal chords we possess. It is also said to have an impact on the language we speak, a negative throat chakra could mean the use of a lot of foul language. The chakra controls important organs like the mouth, neck and lungs.

The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and it helps to pass judgements and perceive things. Positive energy here enhances vision, hearing and smelling powers.

The last chakra is called the crown chakra and it deals with taking ones own self to the divine path and reaching a stage of enlightenment.

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Past Life Regression, The Future And You

By Steve Bartlett

It is believed that only twenty-five percent of today's population believe in reincarnation. With a low percentage of believers, this does not mean that it is true. Haven't you ever felt pulled towards something, or a connection with something and you had no idea why? Ever have a talent you didn't know where it came from? You know what I'm talking about and the answer may be as simple as it was something that was once important to you in your past life.

Ignoring the validity of this, and the possibility of overlooking the opportunity to truly grow as a person by finding out why. They don't realize that if you can get in touch with your past life you can build on your success and personal achievement in this life.

Extensive research as shown that past life regression could be used as a very powerful tool to help people that suffer from emotional problems.

The most common advantage of past life regression is being able to clear trauma in their lives and promote healing. When people encounter trauma there are two obvious choices that can be made. You can either run, or you can face it to fix it. If you believe in past life regression, you will have an additional option. You can rescue your past self and help them to be successful with dealing with the trauma. The trauma can be viewed by the Higher Self.

You can contact your creative side through past life regression. Everyone has a mix of talents and attributes that help them to make decisions over other choices. Through a past life regression you can reach into your past lives and bring those attributes out to act like an inner guide.

Karma has a wonderful knack of always coming back to us. Through past life regression, we can free ourselves from past contracts or agreements if they are causing us issues today. We can use the help of an inner guide to go back to the life in which the contract or agreement was originally made and modify it or remove it completely to help with our current situation. We can actually re-write that past contract we once made.

Grounding and affirming yourself is a huge benefit of going through past life regression.

It's not unheard of from those who use past life regression to become more grounded, and feel more aware of who they are and why they are the person they are, today. This is because they realize where their specific talents, characteristics, passions, desires, and connections come from. This knowledge is powerful and helps them to embrace who they are as a person, and achieve a more balanced life.

Many experts believe that if you want to improve or enhance your life, then you need to practice past life regression. This will help you to remember the lives you had and teach you how to have a more fulfilled life, this time around.

If you discount or don't believe that your feelings about certain events or talents have to do with your past, you need to break down the walls that are blocking you from achieving a more successful life, and getting the life you desire to achieve.

To go over again, what we've touched upon is that the benefits of past life regression is dealing with traumatic events in the past can push teach you how to go forward in your current life. By acknowledging issues from he past you are well equipped now to make better decisions, use those experiences to be more experienced today.

As history likes to repeat itself, if you know your history you can change it. Perhaps in a past life you were very dishonest. With that knowledge and the knowledge of remembering the punishment you may have endured from being dishonest, can help you to change your ways and not be the same in this life.

The biggest benefit of past life regression is knowing who you were, and having a better understanding who you want to be today. It will give you a more well rounded, complete, life. You will be able to take the knowledge and life your life to it's fullest by taking advantage of the skills and talents that you had in a past life that you didn't even realize you possessed today.

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Develop Telepathy; Yes You Really Can Become Telepathic!

By Paul Fowles

Telepathic communication is essentially the transfer of thoughts, emotions, or feelings between two people, using nothing but the power of the mind.

Contrary to what some may believe, practically everyone possesses a certain amount of telepathic ability, although most people have no idea as to how they should control it on a conscious level. Considering that each and every one of us experience some form of telepathic activity, even if only on a subconscious level, wouldn't it be great if we were able to control this ability in such a way that we could use it to communicate?

Of course, as is to be expected, there is still a huge amount of skepticism surrounding the issue of mind power. However, perhaps you should try to recall a time in your life when you were in a great mood, but then you met up with someone who was feeling down and depressed. Was it not only a short while before their mood started rubbing off on you?

Essentially, it's not the words which that person spoke which affected your mood, but rather the transference of their feelings and emotions to your own subconscious mind, and of course this is without a doubt, a form of telepathic communication.

In recent scientific studies, it's been determined that if someone accesses their subconscious mind and then learns to direct their thoughts and feelings towards another specific individual, dormant telepathic abilities can be brought back to life.

As with all other means of communication, it is our parents and our elders which teach us. In fact, so strong is the influence of the method in which we're taught that we even learn to mimic the accent of our parents. Essentially, this is simply because we all share a common ability to learn communication skills, but unfortunately we only learn to communicate in the ways which we are taught.

However, what would life be like to day if our parents and teachers had taught us to use the "other ability"? Because we have never been taught how to communicate with our minds, we lack that ability, but that's not to say that we cannot still go ahead and develop the skill.

Let's take a look at a few ways one can use in order to reawaken ones telepathic ability.

Developing Your Mental Muscle

It only stands to reason that in order to master the art of telepathic communication, we need to strengthen and develop our telepathic muscle in much the same way as children need to develop their voice boxes, and the ability to control the way they use their mouths.

Interestingly enough, the part of the brain which is responsible for telepathic communication, works primarily on the subconscious level, or in other words, when you're in a hypnotic state. This state of mind is a level of the relaxation which is well within the reach of all people.

The easiest way to reach a hypnotic state, is by learning how to relax your mind. Once you can successfully reach this point whenever you want, you will have managed to have trained your mind to be controlled at will.

The Importance of Being Able To Focus

Of course, being able to focus is of paramount importance, but unfortunately when you're in a hypnotic state, being able to remain focused is not always easy. In fact it can be rather difficult so next time you reach a state of deep relaxation; you should try to focus on someone you'd like to make contact with.

You need to picture this person in your mind together with happy thoughts. You then need to imagine this person actually receiving all those thoughts and feelings you're trying to transfer across. The length of time that you need to remain focused will depend on how long you feel it takes to make a connection.

After a few moments, one should stop focusing abruptly in order to break any contact. When this happens, the other person will realize that the contact has been broken and as a result, they will in turn attempt to make contact with you.

The reason why it is advisable for you to practice focusing while you're on your own, is so that when the time comes for you to practice with a partner, your mind will already be conditioned to receive images, thoughts, feelings, and impressions.

Practicing With a Partner

Ideally, you need to choose one person to be the sender and one person to the receiver. Of course, the sender should only try to project simple things, particularly in the beginning. You will find it is best to start off with simple items which are brightly colored and easily recognizable.

The person who is the receiver should ensure they have a notebook and a pen nearby so that they can keep a record of all thoughts and impressions which they receive.

When the two of you have reached the end of your practice session, then of course you should both compare your notes in order to see just how accurate the two of you have been. As time goes by, and you practiced more, you will find that you both become noticeably better as far as telepathic communication is concerned.

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A Good Funeral Director Can Be Of Great Help In Your Time Of Grief

By Abby Esteban

Funeral directors offer a great source of support and help to a family that is reeling under the sorrow of the recent death of a near and dear one. They manage the entire preparation and execution of the proceedings, allowing family members some much required time and space to mentally accept the sad occasion and grieve with their friends and relatives.

The responsibilities of a funeral director are manifold, including moving the departed to the burial place from where the body was kept, be it the home or a morgue. The funeral director will need to make preparations for paperwork of any kind like getting death certificates, applying for the essential permits, in addition to ensuring that procedures like organ donation are started in time.

An efficient funeral director also acts as a single contact point for all services critical for the funeral like managing vendors of flowers, music, food etc. He will need to insert critical announcements and obituaries in the local newspapers and might also require to intimate distant family members and friends of the deceased person about the funeral service.

The funeral director, in discussion with the family, fixes the date and venue for the funeral, and makes arrangements for the memorial service and the last rites. The visitation ceremony in which the family members of the deceased are consoled by relatives and friends is also arranged for by him to a large extent. The funeral director's task ends with the final sealing of the deceased person's grave on the day of funeral.

A funeral director should be compassionate and committed to make sure of a smooth and organized funeral service and help the grieving family sail through the toughest time of their lives. Therefore, you should always avail the services of a well established and credible funeral director with a proper license. He must have an established reputation for sincerity and capability so that he can fulfil all critical requirements without putting you through further hardship.

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Is This Religion Mormon Or Christian?

By Alfred Ras

One of the latest great debates when it comes to Mormons is determining if their religion is Mormon or Christian or is one and the same thing. In the eyes of the Mormon the answer to that question is yes. There has been a great attempt in the last little while for the Mormons to stand on the grounds of Christianity more so than they have in the past.

It is interesting to note that in 1982 the book of Mormon's name was given a name with reference to the Testament of Jesus Christ.

Then in 1995 the official letterhead changed to take on a larger stance of the Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. Even one of the leaders states that the church talks a lot more now about Jesus Christ than it used to because they want to show people that they are Christians.

It would appear on the surface a great effort is put into convincing nonbelievers that the Mormons stand on the very same basis that Christianity does. On the surface it may seem this way although when one begins to become well-versed in the Mormon religion they see the vast differences.

It would seem that there are even differences of the union of Christianity amongst the leaders in the congregation of the Mormons themselves. Interestingly enough a past president stated that he definitely was a Christian and had prayer through Christ and tried to follow him and when asked further whether he believes in the traditional Christ his answer was no he didn't. He states that the non-Mormons are not speaking of the same Christ whom he believes in. At the beginning of Mormonism they took a great stance against being classed as a Christian denomination for the simple reason that they believed that there was a great apostasy that included all of the Christians and they did not want to be counted as part of that.

Joseph Smiths claim was that the Latter-day Saints Church was the only true church. Brigham Youngs comment about Christians is that the current day Christians are not the Christians that are defined in the New Testament. He even goes on to say that Catholics and Protestants are nothing less than the whore of Babylon. Then again another leader goes on to say that the darkness of the apostasy still is the same today except for those that have come to know what he calls the restored gospel which is of course the Joseph Smith Doctrine.

It is easy to see when one looks over all the explanations of what these leaders stand for that they certainly do not equate themselves as what society sees Christianity as.

Most of the Mormons believe that the Christians of today are selfish and do not maintain the law according to the Mormons. They claim that they never criticize other beliefs and yet they have made some pretty staunch statements against Christians. So this again is just one more fallacy of the religion itself when it comes to making one statement at one time and then totally changing at another time.

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Christian Funerals: Customs And Their Significance

By Francine Mayfield

To a devout Christian, a funeral is a celebration of the soul's journey towards eternal life from thereon. It's the main reason why Christian funeral services are highly spirited because of the belief that the departed has found an eternal home in God's house.

Christians believe that a person's passing is an exit from the mortal world of pain and a way into the world of everlasting bliss. To some degree, the family left behind find relief knowing that their dead relative is with God Himself now, enjoying the happiness heaven offers.

Christian funerals are normally conducted by the pastor. The funeral service generally is conducted at the church which the deceased visited regularly. Though the service does not have a casket usually, but when it is being conducted in a funeral home, casket is usually present. A traditional Christian funeral ceremony does not include public viewing of the deceased at the time of ceremony.

The funeral ceremony is almost like a memorial, in which the proceedings begin with singing of hymns, a vocalist, and readings from the Bible. Then the priest gives a message and the people join in with a mass prayer.

Then the assembled people partake in the sorrow of family members as well as close friends and tell about their personal feelings as to how the deceased has touched their lives and left an everlasting impression in their minds. People nowadays do a slide show of photographs or play a pre-recorded video of the dead person taken during his or her lifetime.

The final phase in the service is that of a brief fellowship reception that is held inside the church itself and some food is served. Normally, people do not go for a graveside service, but some families that make an exception to this.

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How Do We Deal With The Loss Of A Loved One?

By Jacob Walker

Grief is a person's innate response to loss. Grief is the anguish you experience when you lose something that or someone who is an important part of your life.

Several instances of mourning for the loss of someone or something are the following:

- a falling out with a person you have are in a relationship with - you lost your career - you lost the single chance to go after what you love doing the most - a loved one is dying from a serious illness - the medical tests came in and you found out that you have a serious illness - you and your spouse are getting a divorce - you destroyed the trust of your best friend - the pet that you had for a long time passed away - a loved one passed away suddenly

These situations can all lead to an experience of grieving. Of all the examples cited above, we experience the most powerful grief if a loved one - be this a child, a parent, or a spouse - dies. There is nothing that will be able to fill the emptiness that suddenly springs up in our life when they die.

We may have shared a huge part of our existence with the people who passed away. And life would never be the same again without them. We mourn our loss. Still, to be able to move forward once more, we must undergo the grieving process and reclaim the fragments of our lives.

There is no correct or incorrect way to grieve. Yet we must choose non-destructive ways to channel the pail, which can encourage the healing that we need after experiencing loss.

Grieving is often equated with continual crying each time the memory of a beloved crosses our mind. Tears are not the only indicators of grief. One can seem unemotional on the outside yet suffer from the pain of loss within.

In addition, grieving, in contradiction to what is usually said, does not encompass a set time period. How long the grieving process lasts will vary from person to person. No one should be rushed and "get over" the grief that they are feeling. Permit time to heal your pain.

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Trapped In Depression ?

By Jeremy Stanford

The words "I'm depressed" became very common among many people as an answer to the question about their well being, including the intention for only describing a bad mood or when something goes wrong. Every person feels depressed every once in a while, but feeling of depression and depression illness are two different situations that should be distinguished.

With science and technology progression, new medications came into the market to treat this difficult problem, which seems to be accelerated by every passing second. Medications have an important role in certain depression cases.

Depression is a very real and treatable illness. Depression is just about the loneliest experience in the world. Depressed people, who are often poor communicators place more demands on a marriage with their greater need for caring and support and end up in unhappier marriages. Depression affects teenagers, pensioners and everyone in between; married people, single people, rich and poor. clinical depression affects 15% of the population, and a third of all women.

Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. If you are one of the more than 20 million people in the United States who have depression, the feelings do not go away. Depression can occur for what seems like no reason at all or can be triggered by a traumatizing life event within a person's life.

Although a low mood or state of dejection that does not affect functioning is often colloquially referred to as depression , clinical depression is a clinical diagnosis and may be different from the everyday meaning of "being depressed." Many people identify the feeling of being clinically depressed as "feeling sad for no reason", or "having no motivation to do anything." One suffering from depression may feel tired, sad, irritable, lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic. Clinical depression is generally acknowledged to be more serious than normal depressed feelings.

Depression is the most common disease among adults, there are several disease levels, starting from light situation to "Major depression", characterized by suicidal thoughts and high risk of self-damaging. "Major depression" exists in about 10-20 precent out of world population, twice as much amidst women in comparison to men. This acute illness requires a professional intervention.

Depression may occur only once in a person's life. Social conditions like poverty, homelessness, and community violence can make it more likely for people to become depressed. Two hallmarks of depression - symptoms key to establishing are Loss of interest in normal daily activities. Depressed mood. You feel sad, helpless or hopeless, and may have crying spells. Depression symptoms are characterized not only by negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors, but also by specific changes in bodily functions (for example, irregular eating, sleeping, crying spells, and decreased libido).

It is certainly recommended to allow the body to treat the problem naturally. There is so much to do, so many ways to tune the body back in balance and heal it. Depression is only a symptom, it is a sign that something went out of balance, and it is the way that the body tells us that it deals with something.

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Do You Want To Lose Weight

By Chris Rom

What is the best way for you to lose weight, Are tired of all the method's out there to use? A lot of people that have this problem. Low carb diets are out there, but they work like but not always. Instead, vitamins and minerals are robbed by eating this type of diet.Having nothing to do with your will-power, over- eating or the right diet! It is what is in your body!!

What's the best way to burn fat? Well the process is very simple as long as the proper dieting and exercise is applied. Now everyone has a different body type. Techniques or methods that work for some might not work on you. First and most obvious is change your diet. There's three easy ways to do this: cut calories, reduce sodium, and reduce fat intake. Example, by substituting water for a carbonated beverage, you cut around 150 calories or more, depending on how much and what kind. Even if it were fruit juice instead of water, you would still reduce calories by approximately 50 - 100.

To much sodium and salt filled seasonings combined with fat can cause water retention. For a man, mostly it's seen in the stomach. The hips, thighs, and butt are mostly seen on a woman. But what causes these unwanted gains in weight and body fat? Three main reasons this happens: (1) Eat way to late(2) Eat more then what your body needs each day (3) LAZY and be honest with yourself.

Bottom line: Break one of these rules, you will store fat. Your metabolism will go in a shutdown mode. Inactivity causes calories to build and produce excess body fat. When calories are above normal levels, the "unused" surplus gets stored. Any exercise speeds your metabolism. The metabolism must reach a certain speed in order to burn fat.Overnight during sleep, calories (mainly complex carbohydrates) are burned more slowly than during the day. By morning, blood sugar and carbohydrates levels are low. So if you exercise on an empty stomach, a type of training,if forces the body to look for an alternate energy source. If carbohydrates and blood sugar levels are low, the body moves to its alternate source of energy which is fat.

The second best way to speed up the metabolism is by increasing meal frequency. Instead of 2 - 3 meals per day, Eating 4 - 5 small meals per day will increase metabolism, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals. Food substitutions can help a lot when trying to speed up the metabolism and reduce calories.When the urges arrive, Drinking herbal teas such as apple-cinnamon, almond, or orange and even chamomile. The preparation alone will help to take your mind off of food. The heat from the tea fills you up, and the aroma helps to satisfy your cravings.

You really should check out the link I have provided this could be the true help you need to finally lose weight you need and want to. The importance of eating right to stay healthy and getting rid of the fat is what this will do for you, and how important it is to stop using diets. Check it out along with as many others as you want to, but you will find this to be the best method for you to use to lose the weight.

Whoa you've let yourself go like millions in the same boat as you that have had problems. Some are fat, and others have been trying for years and trying every day to keep it off. Thinking they are going to lose 100 pounds and stay thin for the rest of their lives are just fooling themselves. You need to start this and change your eating all together to get what you want.

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