Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Massage Chair Therapy

By Claudine Balsells

There are many things that can impact getting an effective massage therapy session. It is important to think about where you are receiving the massage and what possible distractions can occur. To maximize your massage experience, you want to create an environment which is conducive to relaxation. This will help your mind and body both relax and release their attention. Here are a few simple ideas that will help you get the most out of your massage therapy session.

Massage is about relaxation and recovery. Massage is the perfect bounce back after physical exertion or when you are under stress. However, to get the most out of your massage experience an environment of relaxation needs to be created. This will facilitate helping your mind to let go of its sources of stress while you get your massage.

The major aspect of relaxation is psychological. If your mind concentrates on the problems of the day, then it'll be hard for the body to relax. Stress, anxiety and other issues cause tension in your body.

Tension creates the stiffness you feel in your muscles. The mind, when it is under stress, creates this tension in your body. Create the right environment for relaxation for your mind. Let it unwind and void out its thoughts. If the mind relaxes, then so will the body. Otherwise, the mind holds onto its stress creating tension in the body. This results in fatigue and stiff muscles.

Maximize your massage experience with a couple of these ideas. First and foremost remove potential distractions which can intrude during your massage therapy session. It is important to have a calm and soothing environment to assist in relaxing. If there is too much muscle then the mind may not be able to easily relax.

So, turn off your cell phone. Make sure you won't be disturbed during the course of your treatment. If you are getting a 20 minute massage, then try to find a time when you will be able to relax the whole time. You don't want to have to get up and do something in the middle of your massage which breaks your relaxation period.

There are ways to cut out the ambient or background noise. Playing music is a perfect way to control the auditory reactions. Normally, it is good to play instrumental music without words. Many popular tracks used in massage therapy come from the new age and smooth jazz categories.

Many massage chairs come equipped with an MP3 player and headphones. Headphones are perfect to drown out the ambient noise. By using headphones and soft music, you can remove a whole layer of potential distractions. This is a great way to relax your mind and let it drift off into the music.

A perfect way to complement a massage is to light a candle in the immediate area. Turn off all the other lights except the candle and relax. The low illumination of a candle is very soothing as well as the flickering of the flame.

Many times adding the fragrance or sent to a room can help you with your relaxation. A single rose placed near you during the massage can provide a beautiful scent. A soft fragrance such as from a Rose will help you to relax and if you a better massage treatment.

Make sure that what you wear is not too tight. Tight clothes can act as another layer of skin. This will make it harder for the massage to come in contact with your muscles and soft tissue areas. You can also better relax with loose fitting clothes then with tight fitting clothes.

These are a few simple ideas that you can put in place very quickly. You'll be surprised at how much more effective your total massage experience will be. Remember this is a time for relaxation and recovery. Your body needs time to heal and recovery. Allowing the mind to clear its thoughts and be calm helps the body to relieve tension and stiffness. Make your massage chair treatments much more effective by minimizing distractions and creating a soothing and relaxing environment.

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