Chair Recliner Therapies for Body Builders Upgrades Performance

By Clarke Spada

More and more research studies are showing the benefits of regular massage. Some of the benefits show regular massage therapy reduces recover time from injury, increases muscle tone, improves range of motion and increases your flexibility. Just as stretching, diet and exercise are part of your body building routine, regular massage therapy should also be included. It may not always be possible to see a massage therapist. Another viable economic option is a massage chair.

There are many benefits to body builders of receiving regular massage therapy. If you happen to overwork your muscles or sustain an injury, then massage helps to soften and loosen the muscles, tendons and scar tissue. If you periodically have muscles spasms or cramps, massage helps to lessen the incidence of these occurring. If you have aches and pains after working out, then massage therapy releases endorphins which help to reduce pain. If your joints feel stiff or less flexible, then massage helps to improve your range of motion.

Obviously, massage therapy can help your body building regimen and help you reach peak performance. Getting a massage before an important event or workout enhances performance. Massage reduces tense muscles, increases flexibility and increases awareness and alertness. In competition, these can help boost your confidence and get you ready to perform.

One of the challenges of getting regular massage therapy is reliance of going to a massage therapist. Most body builders have a strict regimen of diet, exercise and nutrition. Finding time to get a massage on a regular basis can be problematic. Massage chairs are a good solution for this situation. Massage chairs are always available when you need them and the massage can be delivered at your convenience. These massage recliners can provide you with regular massage therapy. Studies show that the real benefits of massage therapy are when massage is received on a frequent and regular basis.

Massage chairs continue to advance with the unprecedented pace of technology. You can now find massage therapies ranging from Sports massage, acupressure, deep tissue, Shiatsu and Swedish style massages. Each of these massage techniques has particular target areas and specific benefits. These massage chairs also have full body massage capability from head to toe. If you have a specific area you want to target, then you can focus the program exactly where you want.

The amount of technology you can find in the top massage chairs is outstanding. You can find traction systems. These traction systems have the capability to stretch the lower body from the hips, thighs, knees and ankles. There are also chairs that come with a shoulder and arm stretch. If you need to get away from it all and relax, then you should try a recliner with a built in music player. They come with headphones and you can load it with your favorite music. Some advanced chairs have heat built into the entire chair. You can activiate the controls to individually focus where you want the heat applied.

Massage chairs are viewed as luxury items as massage in general is also viewed. The economics of getting regular massage therapy is actually pretty reasonable. A massage therapist can cost you $50 per hour plus tip. Massage chairs can run as little as $3 per hour. Most massage chairs are built for a minimum of 1,000 hours of life, with higher end models much higher. If a massage recliner costs say $3,000 and you get 1,000 hours of massage therapy, then that is $3 per hour. This is very economic.

If you body build, then you really should incorporate massage therapy into your regimen. The benefits of regular massage therapy help you to attain peak performance. Keep your body and muscles in top condition and lessen the chance of injury with regular massage. A massage chair is a great compliment to your arsenal to get regular massage therapy.

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