Mending A Broken Heart

By Anne Torres

Feeling terrible, ineffectual, angry, disbelief, down, and abandoned. Describe just a few of the rotten hollow feelings of having a broken heart. When you commit your greatest commodity of giving your unconditional love to someone, it feels like you have split your heart in two and you are watching it breath and feel and move about.

You know what I mean because to truly have a broken heart you granted yourself to truly love someone.

Do you recognize any of these?

Leaving the radio off because each song makes you cry. Loss of appetite. Binge eating for soothe. Calling your ex several times a day. Text messaging and emailing constantly. (Text Message Terrorism). Constantly watching your email and voice mail to see if he or she called Not going out because you are scared to miss a call. Thinking non-stop about why they in truth left you. Feeling massively depressed. Feeling presses to spy on them. Endlessly practicing what you should have said. Endlessly practicing what you will say if you encounter them.

Yeah I realized you might, I'm willing to bet we all have did most or all of the above at least once in our lives, nothing wrong with doing them either as long as you learn from your mistakes. Healing a broken heart does not occur because of someone or something else. The cure comes from within!

No matter what anyone else does for you will not make anything better until you give the OK. Being at your lowest point and reading this probably seems like rubbish to you but it is true; you allowed yourself to love and yes you can allow your broken heart to heal as soon as you realize you have the power and no one else does.

To grant your heart to heal you must allow a relationship to break. Your lover, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend has said they are done; you guys are over, you know what, that is fine, I'm not saying it is right in your heart but I am saying it is alright, you are breathing and you will go forward too.

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