How To Get What You Want Using The Persuasion Techniques Of Covert Hypnosis

By Dr. Anthony Taylor

Covert hypnosis is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the persuasion community, because many persuasion artist are looking for love in all of the wrong places.

This means the "gurus" are misleading people who are interested in learning persuasion because they are teaching people techniques that simply don't work. They often say that the true currency in persuasion is words. They go on and on with their fancy language patterns and their confusing ways to use them.

Yet, everyone has heard that talk is cheap. If we could simply walk up to a person and speak a few words to them, we would all be sitting on our own private beaches on our own private islands! Language, like luck, will only take a person so far in the realm of covert hypnosis.

What is necessary is that a persuasion artist learn hypnotic power moves, strategies, and conditioning cycles to get what they want on a consistent basis. The male seduction community, which was once trying to use hypnotic language to seduce women, has now started using strategic human behavior patterns instead.

Hypnotic frames are also necessary to use as pivots in order for you to be able to continually seed suggestions into someone's mind. You must persuade people from the appropriate frames, or you cannot influence the targets whom you are trying to persuade.

Covert hypnosis is not therapy, and it is impossible to adopt the linguistic uses of therapeutic hypnosis into advanced and simplistic persuasion models that can get you the things you want. This means that attempting to use Eriksonian Hypnosis as a form of covert hypnosis is not a logical idea. You will never have the clinical foundation or setting that is required to covertly hypnotize people.

Mind control hypnosis, for centuries, has been practiced by the world's most powerful people who used it intentionally or unintentionally to make themselves powerful and successful. Hypnotic mind control is one thing that should not be taken lightly, because when people take it lightly all they do is add even more power and notoriety to its existence.

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