Is It Possible To Become Clairvoyant

By Adrian Cooper

A clairvoyant is someone who has clairvoyance powers. These powers are sometimes referred to as extrasensory perception, the sixth sense or second sight, dates back to the 18th century. Historical writings are filled with tales of seers or prophets. These individuals were revered by the people. Prophecies were followed closely and powerful leaders often sought the advice of these clairvoyants to guide their actions.

Derived from the French language, clairvoyant literally means to have a clear vision. Even so, clairvoyance can have several meanings as such, considering that while some clairvoyants may have a vision, others may hear messages, interpret signs, or listen to an inner voice.

A person who practices clairvoyance is called a clairvoyant. Clairvoyants vary in skill, but many have the ability to see into beyond the present time into the future, offering those who use their services a glimpse of what is to come. Highly skilled practitioners may also be able to view events of the past. A few are able to pass beyond the realm of the living to communicate with those who have gone before.

It is believed that everyone is born clairvoyant. However, due to the tendency of society to stifle anything that doesn't fit within the norm, few people actually get the opportunity to develop their ability. The ones that do are often children of clairvoyant parents or adults who have taken the time to train their clairvoyance skills, whether through self-study or tutelage from an accomplished clairvoyant.

Those who start out usually do so by learning how to meditate because medication allows one to get rid of stress and negativity, just as it allows you to open your mind. By having an open mind you'll be better prepared in order to receive messages from the universe. In fact, this is so important for a clairvoyant that most of them will dedicate at least 30 minutes each day in order to practice medication in a calm, quiet environment.

Those people who are learning how to develop their skills are always taught that they should never attempt to force clairvoyance, but rather to have an open mind so that it can come of its own accord. To a great extent, this scenario could be compared to a person misplacing their keys. In most cases, it is only once you have calmed down that you find your keys.

As your clairvoyant power grows, you may wish to include other methods of clairvoyance. These include dream interpretation or the reading of palms, tea leaves or tarot cards. These methods will aid you in understanding the messages you receive.

Your instincts will become an integral part of your power. Sometimes referred to as the inner eye or intuition, instincts are a powerful tool for clairvoyants. Have you ever had a bad feeling about someone or instinctively knew that something bad was going to happen? Most of us have at one point or another in our lives. However, most of us ignore what we're being told by the Universe until our instincts prove to be true. Learn to embrace your instincts, no matter how far-fetched they might seem.

Essentially, your ability to receive messages from the universe depends largely on your attitude and also the environment you live in. If you live in a state of chaos and disruption, and your life it's full of negativity, it becomes virtually impossible to clear your mind sufficiently enough. On the other hand, a clairvoyant will always strive to have a calm environment, which is why many of them practice Feng Shui in order to optimize the flow of energy through their homes.

You'll also find that practically all clairvoyants make use of aromatherapy, and even crystals, in order to rid their environment of negative energy. Furthermore, most clairvoyants also practice yoga in order to achieve a calm and peaceful spirit so that they can unlock the power within. While this may be sufficient enough for some, others also make use of hypnosis in order to read the mind and body of negativity completely.

Unlike some people tend to believe, clairvoyants don't spend all their time staring into a crystal ball, but instead, many of them have built a successful career around the use of their skills. This can be done by offering readings, contributing to magazine columns, making predictions, making appearances on television, or even writing books. In fact, some also make their services available to numerous law enforcement agencies which seek assistance with regards to locating missing people and also for helping them to solve crimes.

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