Battling With Degenerative Disc Back Pain: Massage Chairs Doubtlessly Help

By Robert Miley

People that have a degenerative disc problem can sometimes suffer from lower back pain. In cases where the cervical discs of the spinal column can degenerate. This condition is referred to as degenerative disc disease and affects close 30% of the population between 30 to 50 years old. The cervical discs begin to come into close contact as the degeneration occurs causing pain and discomfort. In a number of chiropractic clinics, massage chairs are being utilized to provide a natural relief to the discomfort of degenerative disc disease.

To better understand degenerative disc disease, it is important to know the structure of the spinal column. The spinal column is a long row of small round bones. These small round bones are interconnected by muscles, ligaments and soft tissue which allows the spine to be flexible. As the bones degenerate, slight changes to the alignment of the spine can occur which causes stress on the soft tissues.

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that travels from the base of the brain out to the rest of the body. The spinal column itself protects the spinal cord and gives the body flexibility and mobility. Between each of the vertebrae are soft discs. These soft discs are there to cushion the motion between the bones so the bones do not rub directly on each other.

The activities that you undertake directly affect the health of the spine. Smoking can cause biochemical and structural changes to the soft tissue areas causing degeneration. Other activities such as aging, wear and overuse can cause degenerative changes as well. The spine is designed to evenly distribute the weight of the body across the spine. Certain activities can cause the force to be concentrated in a small area like the lower back. If these activities are repeated through time, then degeneration can occur.

In many of these situations degeneration of the discs can occur. When degeneration of the soft tissues between the discs starts to happen there is usually discomfort and pain. To relieve the pain and to help the affected areas heal, massage chair therapy is used. Usually spinal adjustments are also needed to help redistribute the weight along the rest of the spine. Massage chairs can help with a variety of treatments.

Sufferers of degenerative disc disease experience stiffness, tightness and sometimes sharp pain in the low back. What is occurring is equivalent to a chain. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link. In the case of the spine, the weak link also takes the majority of your weight due to misalignment of the spinal column. This puts even more stress on the soft tissues areas causing them to tire.

Massage treatments by massage chairs are applied for stretching muscles and for soothing muscles. Massage chairs provide a rolling massage where the rollers slowly go up and down the spine. The incline of the chair is used to adjust the pressure to the patients comfort. As the rollers pass each spinal disc, they are flexed gently. This flexing elongates the soft tissues between the bones. This help to restore the flexibility and elasticity of the tissue.

Chopping massage chair treatments are also performed where the shoulders and back muscles are targeted. A rapid chopping motion is used to invigorate larger muscles of the back and shoulders. This helps improve blood flow and to release tension that has built up over time. These muscles must take up any slack from the spine, so when degeneration occurs these muscles are also affected. Release of the tension from these areas also helps to restore the balance with the spinal column.

Massage chairs perform a kneading massage treatment to loosen larger muscles. The kneading is a side to side motion. The area of massage is set and the massage chairs will knead the muscles and soft tissues in the assigned area. The speed of the kneading can be varied or an automatic program can be initiated to relax and soothe these major muscle areas.

Massage chair therapy can provide some significant benefits to certain conditions of degenerative discs disease. As with any medical condition, you need to consult with your medical professional and find what treatments are right for your situation. Massage chairs are a convenient and practical natural remedy for many of the symptoms and recovery procedures of the back and shoulders. If you suffer from this condition, you understand the need for periodic relief which massage chairs can certainly provide effectively.

Massage chair therapy is an effective and convenient method for periodic relief from the symptoms of degenerative discs disease. The convenience of having a massage chair at your disposal is invaluable. When your symptoms act up, just take a seat and push a button. Let the natural massage therapy soothe, relax and relieve your tired, aching muscles. Massage chairs never get tired and are there when you need them. No appointment needed!

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