How Can You Learn Remote Viewing?

By David Bullen

Everyone is born with natural psychic capabilities and gifts but most people forget how to use them as they mature. Alternatively, they might never have been encouraged to explore their psychic abilities. But various tests and studies have shown that, when it comes to remote viewing, anyone can learn how to do it. It is the ability to reach higher vibrations within our thought patterns.

Although, it is not clear exactly how remote viewing works or a scientific why as to how it works, remote viewing is possible. It is however, categorized as a paranormal experience, much like astral travel, lucid dreaming and other controlled mind experiences. For many individuals, the idea is an odd one, although these are all occurrences or experiences that do come naturally to humankind.

It might surprise you to know that remote viewing has in fact been used by various countries as part of their safety and security measurements. However, many of these governmental programs that made use of remote viewing were discontinued and declassified, making them available to the general public. It is interesting to note that those people involved in these government programs were in fact just regular, ordinary people. They had never known that they possessed the talent for being able to utilize their inborn, natural remote viewing capabilities.

What does this mean? This means that you can do it too. With some time and practice, you can learn remote viewing and after a while, you will be able to do it in hardly any time at all. However, you must keep in mind that as with all things, learning how to become apt at remote viewing will take some time and effort.

Remote viewing, as with any paranormal or psychic activity, is utilizing the awesome powers of the human mind. You will no doubt experience tiredness because you will be using energy even though you are quite still. Because of this it will help you to not do too much, but rather to pace yourself.

Meditation and visualization are two key components for anyone who is learning to remote view. Being able to meditate and visualize will enable you to be receptive to what is an out of body, paranormal experience such as remote viewing. These two fundamental things will help you to relax and also still your mind sufficiently so that you are then able to experience remote viewing. Therefore you will need to learn how to do these if you wish to learn how to remote view as well.

In order for you to become really good at remote viewing, you will have to take you time to practice this art form on a regular basis. As we all know, practice does make perfect and this applies to developing our paranormal or psychic gifts and talents as well.

You will learn how to quite your mind and then focus your concentration intensely on a person, place or thing that is in another area than where you are currently. It is the ability to perceive, view or see something from a distance.

Often the images that you will see during your remote viewing session will be unclear and out of focus. Therefore it is important that you keep an open mind to what you are seeing or perceiving during the session.

In order to figure out which techniques and methods best work for you it will be helpful to you to record your experiences from your sessions in a journal. This will also help you not only to grow to understand more about yourself, but also about the world in which we all live. Practicing remote viewing, as mentioned above, is important in helping you to develop you skills and the journal will help you in this regard as well.

Remote viewing enables you to even connect to what is known as the universal mind, should this be something you are wanting to do. By learning how to remote view you will be able to explore times past, present and even future. Essentially, you can travel anywhere you want to travel to. There are no limitations at all.

You will be able to see much when you remote view, so it could prove helpful to keep a pen and paper handy for you to sketch what you see. It is important that you take note of everything that you may see, including various shapes and colors. So it is important that you take note of everything.

There are various resources available to help you to learn remote viewing. Online or offline, you can find various books to help you. Also hypnosis recordings are a great help to retrain your subconscious mind. You should also check out something called 'binaural beat' audios which can instantly get your brainwaves into the correct frequency for psychic powers such as remote viewing to be possible.

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