Develop Telepathy; Yes You Really Can Become Telepathic!

By Paul Fowles

Telepathic communication is essentially the transfer of thoughts, emotions, or feelings between two people, using nothing but the power of the mind.

Contrary to what some may believe, practically everyone possesses a certain amount of telepathic ability, although most people have no idea as to how they should control it on a conscious level. Considering that each and every one of us experience some form of telepathic activity, even if only on a subconscious level, wouldn't it be great if we were able to control this ability in such a way that we could use it to communicate?

Of course, as is to be expected, there is still a huge amount of skepticism surrounding the issue of mind power. However, perhaps you should try to recall a time in your life when you were in a great mood, but then you met up with someone who was feeling down and depressed. Was it not only a short while before their mood started rubbing off on you?

Essentially, it's not the words which that person spoke which affected your mood, but rather the transference of their feelings and emotions to your own subconscious mind, and of course this is without a doubt, a form of telepathic communication.

In recent scientific studies, it's been determined that if someone accesses their subconscious mind and then learns to direct their thoughts and feelings towards another specific individual, dormant telepathic abilities can be brought back to life.

As with all other means of communication, it is our parents and our elders which teach us. In fact, so strong is the influence of the method in which we're taught that we even learn to mimic the accent of our parents. Essentially, this is simply because we all share a common ability to learn communication skills, but unfortunately we only learn to communicate in the ways which we are taught.

However, what would life be like to day if our parents and teachers had taught us to use the "other ability"? Because we have never been taught how to communicate with our minds, we lack that ability, but that's not to say that we cannot still go ahead and develop the skill.

Let's take a look at a few ways one can use in order to reawaken ones telepathic ability.

Developing Your Mental Muscle

It only stands to reason that in order to master the art of telepathic communication, we need to strengthen and develop our telepathic muscle in much the same way as children need to develop their voice boxes, and the ability to control the way they use their mouths.

Interestingly enough, the part of the brain which is responsible for telepathic communication, works primarily on the subconscious level, or in other words, when you're in a hypnotic state. This state of mind is a level of the relaxation which is well within the reach of all people.

The easiest way to reach a hypnotic state, is by learning how to relax your mind. Once you can successfully reach this point whenever you want, you will have managed to have trained your mind to be controlled at will.

The Importance of Being Able To Focus

Of course, being able to focus is of paramount importance, but unfortunately when you're in a hypnotic state, being able to remain focused is not always easy. In fact it can be rather difficult so next time you reach a state of deep relaxation; you should try to focus on someone you'd like to make contact with.

You need to picture this person in your mind together with happy thoughts. You then need to imagine this person actually receiving all those thoughts and feelings you're trying to transfer across. The length of time that you need to remain focused will depend on how long you feel it takes to make a connection.

After a few moments, one should stop focusing abruptly in order to break any contact. When this happens, the other person will realize that the contact has been broken and as a result, they will in turn attempt to make contact with you.

The reason why it is advisable for you to practice focusing while you're on your own, is so that when the time comes for you to practice with a partner, your mind will already be conditioned to receive images, thoughts, feelings, and impressions.

Practicing With a Partner

Ideally, you need to choose one person to be the sender and one person to the receiver. Of course, the sender should only try to project simple things, particularly in the beginning. You will find it is best to start off with simple items which are brightly colored and easily recognizable.

The person who is the receiver should ensure they have a notebook and a pen nearby so that they can keep a record of all thoughts and impressions which they receive.

When the two of you have reached the end of your practice session, then of course you should both compare your notes in order to see just how accurate the two of you have been. As time goes by, and you practiced more, you will find that you both become noticeably better as far as telepathic communication is concerned.

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