Trapped In Depression ?

By Jeremy Stanford

The words "I'm depressed" became very common among many people as an answer to the question about their well being, including the intention for only describing a bad mood or when something goes wrong. Every person feels depressed every once in a while, but feeling of depression and depression illness are two different situations that should be distinguished.

With science and technology progression, new medications came into the market to treat this difficult problem, which seems to be accelerated by every passing second. Medications have an important role in certain depression cases.

Depression is a very real and treatable illness. Depression is just about the loneliest experience in the world. Depressed people, who are often poor communicators place more demands on a marriage with their greater need for caring and support and end up in unhappier marriages. Depression affects teenagers, pensioners and everyone in between; married people, single people, rich and poor. clinical depression affects 15% of the population, and a third of all women.

Depression is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It's more than just a feeling of being "down in the dumps" or "blue" for a few days. If you are one of the more than 20 million people in the United States who have depression, the feelings do not go away. Depression can occur for what seems like no reason at all or can be triggered by a traumatizing life event within a person's life.

Although a low mood or state of dejection that does not affect functioning is often colloquially referred to as depression , clinical depression is a clinical diagnosis and may be different from the everyday meaning of "being depressed." Many people identify the feeling of being clinically depressed as "feeling sad for no reason", or "having no motivation to do anything." One suffering from depression may feel tired, sad, irritable, lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic. Clinical depression is generally acknowledged to be more serious than normal depressed feelings.

Depression is the most common disease among adults, there are several disease levels, starting from light situation to "Major depression", characterized by suicidal thoughts and high risk of self-damaging. "Major depression" exists in about 10-20 precent out of world population, twice as much amidst women in comparison to men. This acute illness requires a professional intervention.

Depression may occur only once in a person's life. Social conditions like poverty, homelessness, and community violence can make it more likely for people to become depressed. Two hallmarks of depression - symptoms key to establishing are Loss of interest in normal daily activities. Depressed mood. You feel sad, helpless or hopeless, and may have crying spells. Depression symptoms are characterized not only by negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors, but also by specific changes in bodily functions (for example, irregular eating, sleeping, crying spells, and decreased libido).

It is certainly recommended to allow the body to treat the problem naturally. There is so much to do, so many ways to tune the body back in balance and heal it. Depression is only a symptom, it is a sign that something went out of balance, and it is the way that the body tells us that it deals with something.

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