Manifest A New Life Using The Cosmic Ordering Service

By Gina Daad

Due to the publicity surrounding the cosmic ordering service over the last year or so, more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that it is actually possible to order whatever you want from the universe and it will provide it.

With many celebrity endorsements, now it seems everyone wants a piece of the action. But does it only work for celebrities? What chance does the average person have of successfully using the cosmic ordering service?

In essence, if you really believe something will happen, it usually does. When you start doubting this, you are actually jeopardizing your own chances of success without even realizing it. So yes, in theory, cosmic ordering should in fact work for everyone.

The right to use the cosmic ordering service belongs to one and all, allowing everybody to get what they desire. Of course some people will point out that they have never had a desire to be ill or in financial difficulty and admittedly, they are right.

The problem is that they believed it would happen. The Universe doesn't understand negatives. If you say you don't want to be poor, it doesn't hear the word don't, it just hears the words want and poor. You focus on the poverty in this case.

You should aim to seek desires from a more positive aspect so, instead of what you don't want, rather desire what you do want. For example, you could say, I'm so healthy it's of little wonder that I never get ill.

Perhaps you have failed here as well and if so, you're not alone. Many people who attempt this, tend to affirm how they are at present, instead of how they could be with a little help from the universe. When you make affirmations, think to the future and how perfect it can be, rather than dwell on the imperfect present moment.

As we embark on our journey through life, our beliefs are often influenced by other people as well as different experiences. When we first started out in this life, we believed in ourselves and that all things were possible and now, we need to believe like that once more.

In a perfect world, a child would grow up with support and knowledge that they deserve all that they want. Instead, children are taught that it's wrong to want a lot. It's bad to receive whatever you want unless you work hard and long hours, and then you also have to have a special reason that you deserve the reward.

Of course, it would be wrong to think you can simply take from others, but on the other hand, it is absolutely correct to believe you can have anything you want. After all, there is enough to go around.

If you look around yourself, be happy for those who have more than you because really, it further strengthens the argument that there is enough wealth for all. Don't begrudge others, because in so doing, you'll only be reinforcing your own negative thoughts, once again directing focus to the negative rather than the positive.

The human brain can move a quark, the smallest particle we know of, simply by sending out waves of energy. This is not theory, but rather a fact which has been proven by modern science. Positive thinking releases positive energy and positive energy, gets positive results.

The most difficult aspect of this entire process is to free ourselves from all those entrenched beliefs. All those negative beliefs which are so firmly embedded in our memories have to be cleared away, and in order to achieve that, you'll have to use every single tool available.

There are numerous tools but two which always spring to mind, are self-hypnosis and subliminal suggestion. Both these powerful tools avoid interference from the logical processes of our brain and instead, they go to work on our subconscious minds, the area in which our beliefs are embedded.

You need to believe that the cosmic ordering service can and does work, and you need to believe that as a human being, you can control your future and determine your own happy destiny.

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